Redwood Park

We host regular upcoming open matches at the weekends. View open match dates by visiting the Redwood Calendar.

general details:

You must register to join an Open Match. Send us a Facebook message, or call 07909 956532 to confirm your spot. 

arrive by:

8:45 am

draw time:

9:00 am

match duration:

Summer: 10:15 am to 4:15 pm

Winter: 10:15 am to 3:15 pm


£20 includes ticket price, prize fund and golden peg.


Prizes depend on number of anglers.

golden peg:

Draw the golden peg AND win the overall match, win up to £200. Separate Golden Peg for Saturday and Sunday Opens.

Minimum of 6 anglers needed.


Breakfast is available in the Redwood Grill before the draw. Learn more. The Grill closes at 9am.