Our rules have been developed to protect our fish and environment and to ensure the safety of our guests. Please take time to read through all the rules before you visit us. Thank you for understanding and following our rules to keep Redwood Park a safe and fun place to fish and bring your family.
General Fishing (Pleasure / Day)
- Do not access fishing lakes without first purchasing your ticket, unless you have an annual pass
- Fish from numbered pegs only
- No keepnets – Return all fish quickly and carefully
- All landing nets must be dipped before leaving the main car park
- All fish 4oz or greater must be caught using a landing net
- Barbless hooks only. Maximum hook size: 12
- No floating baits.
- No floating poles.
- No bread.
- Groundbait can only be used in moderation
- No bivvies. No boilies. No radios.
- No electronic bite alarms
- No floating feeders.
- No bagging wagglers. Max pole length 16 metres
- Only one rod or pole to be used at a time
- Anglers are required to have a valid rod licence
- Children under 18 years of age must be accompanied by an adult
- Take litter home or use the bin in the main car park
- Catch and Release. Anyone found removing fish will be reported to the police
Match Rules (in addition to regular rules)
- Match organisers must report to Redwood Park staff in Redwood Grill before proceeding to the lakes (book a match here)
- You are responsible for providing fish-friendly keepnets for your match
- All nets to be laid out behind your peg before fishing
- Match organiser to call “Nets in” 15 minutes before match start
- The weight limit for each keepnet is 60lb
- Put Carp and F1s over 2lb in one net
- Put Carp and F1s under 2lb in a separate net (with silvers)
- No stink bags in the peg areas.
make sure your match organiser knows how to weigh in fish safely:
Redwood Park is not responsible for any loss, damage or injury to either persons or property sustained on the property.
People found to abuse these rules will be asked to leave the fishery and may find themselves banned from returning.